Artpress has an interesting issue with a bunch of portrait essays on American intellectuals, including one by Rumen Ogien, the philosopher, about me. You can also read about Wendy Brown, Nancy Fraser, Atul Gawande, and Janet Malcom and Joan Didion (discussed together by Davis Samuels), inter alia. It’s all in connection with the annual festival of ideas organized by the Villa Gillet in Lyon, which was kicked off in Paris (of course!) with a discussion about courage between me and Caroline Fourest and Pierre Zaoui, interviewed together by Olivier Pascal Moussellard and Alexis Lacroix. I found it very interesting! Excerpts will appear later in one of the leading French dailies. I’ll post a link when there is one.
Here’s an Al Jazeera program about the US election that includes a few comments from me: Al Jazeera Empire.
The Brazilian translation of “The Honor Code” is now available courtesy of Companhia das Letras and the translator, Denise Bottmann, to both of whom I am eternally grateful.
Next week I’ll be in Sao Paulo at a conference on identities at the University, and will have a chance to talk, also, about honor.
Michael Kinsley applies a theory of mine at
For those who read traditional Chinese, here’s the website for Locus Publishing’s translation of “The Honor Code.” It has a beautiful cover … and I’d like very much to say “謝謝” to the translator, Zhuang Anqi.
Jean-Marie Durand writes: “Avoir de l’honneur signifie avoir droit au respect, selon Kwame Anthony Appiah qui, après Pour un nouveau cosmopolitisme (2008), s’impose dans le paysage de la philosophie morale actuelle en dialoguant indirectement avec les pensées contemporaines d’Axel Honneth, Martha Nussbaum ou Amartya Sen.”
Les InROCKuptibles No. 861 30 Mai-05 Juin 12 2012. (It’s on page 100!)
I had the great honor of being awarded an honorary Doctorate of Laws today at the Harvard Commencement, in (as you would expect!) very distinguished company. There were: the composer, John Adams; the great literary critic, Gillian Beer; the physicist (and Chemistry Nobel laureate), Walter Kohn; Wendy Kopp, who founded Teach for America; Mario Molina, the engineer (and Chemistry Nobel laureate, again); and John Lewis, one of my great heroes. Fareed Zakaria, journalist and public intellectual, not only got an honorary degree with us but was the Commencement speaker. Hearing John Lewis’s extraordinary life briefly sketched for us was a very moving moment. Chatting to him in the afternoon as we waited for the afternoon exercises was an enormous pleasure.
THE HONOR CODE, directed by Katy Chevigny, will make its premiere at the 12th annual Tribeca Film Festival. It’ll also be released online at the same time, and I’ll add links to that once I have them. Arts Engine, the production company, says:
This short documentary on philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah, will premiere on Wednesday, April 25th at 3 pm as a special event in the festival, the Focus Forward Shorts Program. THE HONOR CODE is part of a group of nine short films on people whose innovations or inventions have had a significant impact on how we live. The event will take place at Tribeca Cinemas 2, 54 Varick Street, at 3 pm on Wednesday, April 25th. The event will be followed by Q&As and cocktails in the Varick Room.
Tickets go on sale to the public on Monday, April 16th at 11 am. You can check out all the information on the Focus Forward Shorts Program at
Le code d’honneur–un «beau livre» selon Jacques Dubois!–est maintenant paru chez Gallimard. Il y’a des extraits et des liens ici. Mon favori? Cet extrait d’un essaie de Roger-Pol Droit dans Le monde des livres: «II est temps que les lecteurs français découvrent Appiah, ce philosophe né en 1954, à la fois ghanéen, britannique et américain, romancier a ses heures, esprit libre en permanence.»
The French edition of The Honor Code is now out. There are links to and excerpts from some–mostly very friendly–reviews in the French press here. “